Some addictions can be harmful, as they can take over your life and lead you down a destructive path towards ill health and failed relationships. So if you find yourself addicted to an activity or a substance that you know is doing you harm, it’s time to take action so that you can begin to heal and restore balance again. What can you do to release yourself from addiction? Continue reading to access some helpful information.
Seek Professional Help Whenever Necessary
First off, you should never be afraid or ashamed to seek out professional help whenever you need it in order to get over your addiction. A part of addiction recovery is seeking a therapist who can support you. Learn more about finding a therapist near you at If you have tried releasing yourself from addiction on your own, or with the help of friends and family, but you have failed, a professional might be what you truly need. Whether you need the advice of a therapist that you can open up to, or you need support for overcoming a drug addiction, there is something out there for you. All you need to do is take the first step by seeking out the assistance that you need so that you can fully recover.
Determine What Your Triggers Are
In order to free yourself from addiction, it is important to identify what your triggers are so that you can take the necessary steps towards avoiding or eliminating those triggers. Perhaps there are certain thought patterns that often lead you astray or cause you to exhibit behavior that is negative and destructive towards yourself and/or others. Or maybe it’s the influence of other people or a specific type of situation that triggers you and causes you to fall victim to your addiction. The goal is to pinpoint all of the things that cause you to give in to your addiction. You might decide to keep a journal so that you can get the answers that you need and figure out how you can break old patterns that no longer serve you.
Create a Compassionate Plan of Action
Now it’s time to figure out what you’ll do to prevent yourself from giving in to your addiction. Basically, it’s a matter of finding ways to redirect your focus away from your addiction and towards something positive. You might, for example, exercise on a regular basis to feel good physically and mentally, or you might try meditating every day in order to clear your mind and support positive thought patterns. Along the way, just be sure to be kind to yourself, as overcoming addiction is difficult and takes time. You might falter, but if you stick to your ultimate goal, you’ll succeed.
It doesn’t matter if you’re dealing with a drug addiction or an addiction to an unhealthy habit or food leading to a consult from Ian Weisberg. The important thing is to realize that you have a problem and be open to getting the support and help that you need to overcome your addiction. With the right attitude, along with determination and persistence, you will be well again and you will feel truly free.