How well do you sleep at night? Did you know that adults must sleep from between 7 and 9 hours each night in order for their mind and body to rest properly? In fact, sleep is one of the most important factors if you are looking to improve your life and feel better each day and today we are going to look at just some of the problems which can present themselves when you don’t get enough sleep.
I was reading through the Nectar sleep reviews recently and throughout the comments on there it is clear to see that a great many people fail to get the right amount of sleep each night. If you are someone like this, here are just some of the issues which this can cause.
Higher Levels of Stress
Sleep is the tool which your brain needs in order to process all of the information which it has absorbed throughout the day. Without giving your brain sufficient processing time, you run the risk of having higher levels of stress. The reason for this is that your mechanisms to cope with stressful situations become poorer, you will find yourself with lower levels of patience and become easily agitated.
Lower Energy
You may hear people say that they feel better after just a few hours of sleep but this is not a sustainable plan for maintaining strong energy levels throughout the day. Without giving your body the full amount of time that it needs to rest and recover, you will not be able to find high energy levels that can last the day.
Risk of Disease
Believe it or not, a lack of sleep over a long period of time has been directly linked to diseases such as Alzheimers and the early onset of dementia. The reasons for this are that the brain never gets its chance to fully shut down and spend the sufficient amount of time that it requires in sleep mode to process, repair and ultimately, rest.
Lack of Weight Loss
If you are dieting or trying to lose some weight then no matter how well you eat or how hard you work out, a lack of sleep could severely hinder your progress. Once again, this goes back to the body’s need to rest and recuperate, during sleep is when your body burns fats, repairs cells and builds muscle. If you don’t give yourself the right amount of hours of sleep, you could be missing out on the chance to lose even more weight.
During sleep, your body works hard on boosting your defenses in order to protect you from diseases, without the right amount of sleep, your health will be compromised and you will be far more likely to pick up a bug or a virus. If you want to stay strong, make sure that you are sleeping right.