For John Kang WebMD contributor he is all too familiar with the dangers of looking online for a diagnosis to any health problem which you may have. John Kang is a man who is far more than simply a contributor to this wonderful resource, and he is a highly ethical and professional oncologist who is widely respected in the medical community. This is also a man who loves to see technological advancements in medicine and for John Kang Liquidmetal, along with WebMD are two of the best things that he has seen in years. When you a medical complaint there is a temptation to go to straight to Google and start trying to find out what the issue is, here is why John Kang MC believes that this is not a good idea.
True Purpose
For John he believes that WebMD should be used to find out about ailments or diseases which a doctor or medical professional has already decided that you have. Using it in this way can greatly help you to understand and get a fuller picture of what you are going through. Another use of this website is to educate yourself if you have an interest in medicine or you want to find out about what someone else is going through. These are what the site should be used for rather than diagnosis.
With just about all symptoms under the sun you can find ways for them to result in death, even a simple rash could potentially mean a life-threatening illness. Even though the probabilities of you actually having a life-threatening illness are incredibly low, the human brain will natural look at the worst case scenario. What this means for you is that a very simple and easily treatable ailment can often result in your feeling fear and anxiety about a potentially larger problem. This needless worry is not going to be good for you at all and it will eventually consumer your mind so much that you begin to panic a lot. Think of it like this, a paracetamol packet will tell you that there is a risk of heart attack, they have to do that just in the event that this could potentially happen yet since the paracetamol was invented not one person has had a heart attack caused by the tablets, online symptoms are the same.
If you have a skin rash and you make an appointment with the doctor in 2 days then you will have the issue resolved pretty soon. Now if you were to look for symptoms online today and begin to suspect that this is an indication of liver disease or some other far flung theory, your appointment with the doctor will not change. What will change however are your stress and anxiety levels during this two day wait which in reality are completely futile. Wait to speak to a professional before you look for anything online.