Selecting a career to go into is not always easy and the truth is that actually knowing what you want to do is something that few students have really have the luxury of feeling. As part of our careers spotlight today we are going to look into the legal profession and why law would be a great choice for you. In order to hear this information from the horse’s mouth, we spoke to the excellent Peter Howe Michigan-based lawyer and great legal mind, about why law is the answer. Peter attended the University of Detroit Mercy school of law, an excellent school for anyone wishing to become a lawyer. Once Peter Howe qualified, he went on to become an expert ini his field, and here is why he recommends becoming a lawyer.
Peter tells me that his favorite aspect of the job, and one which most lawyers love more than anything, is the fact they they contribute towards justice in all of its forms. The law is wonderful but only if there is justice to accompany it, and that is what attorneys like Peter do. Whether you are working on an assault charge, a global business complaint or even a discipline issue within a board of directors, justice must be found and that is why so many people love to be an attorney.
Peter Howe tells me that within Michigan alone he is challenged every single day, and that no two weeks are the same. It is this challenge Peter tells me that is what keeps his passion ignited and why he looks forward to going into work every day. Not everyone can enjoy a job which has so many tests and challenges, and that is just another reason why becoming an attorney would be a great option for you.
One aspect which most people will look for in a job or career, is that it is rewarding, in terms of financial reward, professional rewards and of course, personal rewards. When I speak to Peter about his time here in Michigan working as an attorney, he refers to the rewarding nature of his job. Personally and professionally he is rewarded through positive results on any case which he is working on, and financially attorneys are most certainly rewarded, being some of the highest paid workers in the country.
Another key aspect of a Peter’s job which he particularly enjoys is the respect which such a position can bring. Attorneys all over the country can attest to this and it is an area of a career which not too many positions can count on. The respect from the community of course comes from the fact that these men and women, in Michigan and beyond, are the purveyors of justice and key cogs in the wheel of the law, a cornerstone of any democracy.
Have you considered becoming an attorney? If not then perhaps now is the time.