It is an excellent idea to put your property up for rent. You will get monthly income from the rental fee. The tenant might also decide to buy the property someday if you can reach an agreement.
Although tenants are only staying temporarily in the property, they still want a place where they will feel comfortable to stay. These are some features of profitable properties for rent.
Good neighbourhood
Safety is the primary concern of most property renters. They do not want to stay in a place where the crime rate is high. They also want a place where they will feel comfortable around the other residents. If the property is near a university, it can be profitable too because of the number of students who are willing to rent the place as they can stay close to their school. The same thing is true for properties near commercial areas. Employees want to walk to their office to beat traffic.
Job market
Some people move to another place even without a job. They want to find a job once they have already settled there. If your property is near the area where people can find a lot of potential jobs, they will most likely rent the place. You can even place a high price tag on the property if you are attracting paid professionals to stay there.
You want to give people something more for what they are paying. If you give them facilities at home that they can use while they are there, it might be enticing for them. It also helps if the property is within a building that has a fitness gym, swimming pool and stores. They will find it convenient since everything they need is already there.
Future development
The area might not necessarily be the most progressive now, but it could be in the future. Hence, it will be profitable if people know that there are developments underway in the area close to where the property is.
No natural disasters
No one wants to reside in a place which always suffers from natural disasters. Whether it is flooding or other risks, it can ruin things. Therefore, you want to ensure that the place that you are offering for rent is safe from disasters. A good insurance policy is also necessary, as tenants will consider it.
You can ask a high rental price for your property if it has all the above benefits. If you are still unsure how you are going to advertise the place or if it will be attractive enough to potential tenants, you can consult with experts. Check out Gerald Eve’s property sectors for information on how to rent your property.
You need to plan what to do with the property before advertising it to the public. Experts will give you the right advice so that you can maximise your profit. Even if you pay them for their services, you will get a lot in return once they give you the best advice.