How dull would this world be without sight!
You would not be able to see the colours splattered around you. Part of what makes your dietary pleasures so pleasurable is the fact that you can see them. Part of what makes your journeys so great is the fact that you can take in the view. Without the ability of taking in a great view, life would be dull.
So, we must do everything we can to protect this previous eyesight of ours, and again, the article is here to help you do just that! The following are the six things you should do for good eye hygiene maintenance:
Get ample sleep:
Your eyes need rest too, and you should give it to them. You may think not watching a movie or chatting on your screen is rest enough. However, for as long as your eyes are open, it doesn’t count as rest. You need to give your eyes a good 8-hours sleep regularly for the muscles to really get relaxed.
Eat good
Some say you’re what you eat, would you agree? Turns out what you eat has a huge role to play in your eyesight maintenance, to say the least. Leafy vegetables, fish, dairy, and pulses are known to help your eyes get the right nutrition dosage they need. Moreover, you should avoid taking way too much sugar, oil, alcohol, fats in your diet. Too much alcohol or oil could lead to vision problems.
Do exercises
Quite like how there are workouts for your abs, biceps, and legs, your face muscles like your tongue and your eyes too have their own workouts. You could start doing a focused gaze on the index finger. Every 15 minutes of working on your computer screen, you should take a break and do the finger stare.
This would help your eyes adjust to near-sighted vision. Furthermore, looking over your shoulder would give your eyes the much-needed workout for 20 seconds.
See a doctor:
Considering how exposed we are to digital light pollution, it would be a great idea to visit your eye doctor more frequently. Your trusted professional doctor would be able to suggest corrective glasses or treatments, shall you face any eye illnesses. There are several methods such as a LASIK treatment, which are painless as well as helpful in restoring eyesight. To know more, click here.
Minimize your screen time:
You often take a break from your phone because you know it’s not healthy, but do you straight away head to your laptop? It’s not a break from screens if you fidget between different gadgets for your whole day. Therefore, make it a point to spend ½ hour between every two hours without looking at a screen.
Do not itch or scratch your eyes:
Most people these days suffer from dry eyes syndrome, owing to our lifestyles which require too much screen processing. However, the quick remedy we seek is just itching or scratching near the eye. However, that can lead to eye contamination or worse, damage your eyes permanently. Instead, you should get hydrating eye drops or just massage your lids softly. If the problem continues, do see your doctor.
We hope our ideas help you take care of your eyes and steer clear from vision problems. However, do not panic if you notice discomfort. Nearly 40% of the global population today suffers from impaired eyesight, which can easily be prevented using the above-mentioned ideas, but still, you may need some extra care, do not take your problems in your hands especially when there are professional doctors out there who specialize in dealing with eye disorders.